13 October 2014 – 15 October 2014
Cibali Campus of Kadir Has University
A symposium on “A CIVILIZATION IN THE EASTERN ANATOLIA: URARTU” is being organized by Rezan Has Museum in collaboration with the Actual Archaeology Magazine. The symposium will be held in Istanbul, in the Cibali Campus of Kadir Has University, between the dates of October 13 to 15, 2014.
The symposium aims to gather scholars in Turkey and abroad who study on Urartian culture, in order to share information regarding on-going scientific researches, to re-evaluate material data and written evidence in order to develop new perspectives on Urartu research.
In accordance with this purpose, a “common” way will be determined to explain the major contribution of the Urartian culture to world history and to safeguard the cultural heritage for future generations.